Pet First Aid
Pet First Aid in Watsontown
The team at Animal Emergency Center wants to equip you with the treatment knowledge and tools you need in case your pet becomes injured or ill. On this page, you will find information on pet first aid, including how to handle an injured pet.
Learn more about each topic by reading on then contact us immediately at (570) 742-7400 if your pet is experiencing an emergency.
First-Aid Kit for Pets
Having a pet first aid kit handy at all times—including when you travel—is one of the best ways to be prepared for accidents. There are a number of conditions that require immediate attention, so having a kit available can reduce chances of infection, prevent further complications, and even save your pet’s life.
Recommended First-Aid Kit Contents
First-aid kits are easy to make and essential to your pet’s health. Using the information below, you can put together your own homemade kit all by yourself.
Create a waterproof kit with the following items clearly written on outside:
- Your veterinarian’s phone number
Animal Emergency Center’s phone number:
(570) 742-7400 - Your contact information
- Your pet’s information (name, age, breed, sex, etc.)
Include the following tools inside:
- Adhesive tape
- Anti-bacterial wipes
- Cotton balls
- Digital thermometer
- Eye dropper
- Gauze
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Leash
- Milk of magnesia
- Muzzle
- Non-stick bandages, towels or clean cloth strips
- Rubber gloves
- Tongue depressor
- Tweezers
Basic First Aid for Common Injuries
This section provides procedures for basic first aid for some of the most common pet injuries. Always contact us or your veterinarian prior to performing first aid, or if your pet is experiencing a condition not listed below.
How to Approach an Injured Pet
When a pet is injured, they may respond defensively, so it’s important to know how to approach them for their protection and yours before administering first aid.
When approaching an injured pet:
- Keep your face away from your pet’s mouth to prevent getting bitten.
- Gradually and gently examine your pet’s injury, watching how your pet responds and adjusting your approach if necessary.
- Do not attempt to move your pet before calling a veterinarian.
If your veterinarian recommends that you bring your pet in for further treatment, transport them using your vehicle in a crate or carrier. You may also use a board to serve as a stretcher, depending on the size of your pet and their condition.
Minor Wounds
When your pet has suffered a minor cut or scrape:
- Place a muzzle on your pet to prevent biting.
- Wash your hands and put on a pair of rubber gloves.
- Carefully examine the wound, clipping the fur back if necessary.
- Press a clean, thick gauze pad over the wound, keeping pressure on it for at least three minutes before lifting it.
If possible, have someone drive you to a veterinary hospital while you sit with your pet in the back seat.
Minor Burns (Chemical, Electrical, or Heat)
In the event of a burn of any kind:
- Place a muzzle on your pet to prevent biting.
- Immediately flush the burn with large amounts of water.
- Wrap an ice pack with a light towel or cloth and apply it to the burned area for 15-20 minutes.
If possible, have someone drive you to a veterinary hospital while you sit with your pet in the back seat.
If your pet has swallowed an object blocking its windpipe, try the following:
- Look into your pet's mouth to see if the foreign object is visible.
- If you see an object, try to remove it slowly and carefully (being careful not to push the item further down the throat). Use caution and try not to get bitten.
- If you are unable to remove the object, have someone drive you to a veterinary hospital while you sit with your pet in the back seat.
- Place both hands on the side of your pet's rib cage and apply firm quick pressure. Keep repeating this until the object is dislodged or until you arrive at the hospital.
Insect Bites/Stings
If your pet has been bitten or stung by an insect:
- Remove the stinger with a pair of tweezers.
- Wash the area with baking soda and water.
- Wrap a few ice packs with a towel or cloth and apply them to the infected area for five minutes at a time.
If your pet has had an encounter with a skunk, make a formula using the following ingredients:
- 1 quart of peroxide
- 1/3 cup of baking soda
- 2 tbs of dish detergent (Dawn)
Mix all the ingredients together and lather on your pet. Repeat if necessary.
After taking care of your pet’s immediate needs it’s best to seek medical attention. Contact us immediately during a pet emergency so we can help.